Kulin West Wind Farm 

Kulin West Wind Farm

Is a proposed wind farm by Atmos Renewables & Nomad Energy within the shires of Corrigin and Kulin in Western Australia’s Wheatbelt, which expects to deliver 560MW of renewable power to the WA grid.

Strategically located to harness the region's abundant wind resources, the project will significantly contribute to WA’s ambitious decarbonisation goals while supporting the local economy through job creation and infrastructure investment.



power output


homes powered



wind turbines


Year start operating

KULIN is an environmentally aware community that endeavours to protect and value the natural environment and investigate sustainable alternative energy solutions.
— Shire of Kulin: Strategic Community Plan 2021-2025

General project area

Project Timeline

After completing site selection investigations in 2024, the project has now entered its early development phase.
Beginning in 2025, comprehensive environmental studies and community consultations have commenced, paving the way for the project’s development approval submission in 2026.

The key project milestones are shown in the timeline below.

Local community consultation is vital to the success of the Project.

Our stakeholder consultation has commenced and will continue throughout the development of the project to ensure local perspectives and concerns are heard and addressed during the design of the Project.

The Kulin West Wind Farm will bring a range of benefits to the region including job opportunities, support for local businesses and suppliers and substantial direct investment in the region via the projects Community Benefit Fund. The Benefit Fund will be co-designed with the community to ensure it delivers meaningful outcomes for the community and fosters long-term, sustainable benefits. 



  • Q: How big will it be?
    A: The proposed wind farm is expected to comprise 78 Wind Turbines with an expected power output of 560MW.

    Q: When will it start operation?
    A: The project is in pre-planning stage at present, with an anticpated start of operation in 2029 / 2030

    Q: Why this location?
    A: There are a number of factors that together determine ideal locations for renewable energy projects, and this location has:

    • Good wind resource

    • Proximity to existing transmission lines

    • Landowner support

    Q: Who is paying for it?
    A: The wind farm will be privately financed by the developers (Atmos Renewables & Nomad Energy)

    Q: Don’t you rely on subsidies to build a wind farm?
    A: No, the project economic feasibility rests on its own merits without government subsidies.

    Q: How long will it last and what happens at the end of life?
    A: The wind farm is expected to operate for 30 or more years.
    As part of both our agreements with landowners and approval from the state government, at the end of its life all visible infrastructure is removed at our cost and site returned to previous state.
    The majority of materials can be recycled or reused.

    Q: Will my power bills be cheaper?
    A: The Kulin West Wind Farm can help reduce overall power costs for consumers in the following ways:
    - Increasing the power available to the grid can reduce energy prices by increasing competition
    - supporting the development of additional solar & wind projects which are the cheapest forms of power.

    Q: Where can I comment or raise a query?
    A: Check out our contact section for contact details and enquiry form. Also keep an eye on our webpage for details of any future community events. We’d love to see and hear from you.

  • Q: What are benefits to the local community?
    A: During construction local businesses will benefit from increased demand for services (such as accommodation) and supplies.
    The project will also establish a long-term community Benefit Fund to deliver ongoing benefits to the community where needed.
    Any road upgrades required will be paid for by the project

    Q: What will be the impact during Construction?
    A: Apart from the benefits as noted above, the construction period will see increased heavy vehicle traffic around site and on Great Eastern Hwy west of Merredin. There should be little impact within the town itself. A traffic management plan will be submitted as part of construction.

    Q: Will we be impacted by turbine noise?
    A: As part of development approval the project needs to adhere to strict WA legislated noise level limits, which are defined to ensure minimal to no impact on neighbours.

    Q: What about impact on native flora and fauna?
    One of the very first things Nomad and Atmos do in site selection is generate ‘constraint’ maps based on native vegetation. Projects that could require more than incidental clearing of vegetation are immediately ruled out. Expert studies on native fauna habitats are conducted along with bird and bat studies to determine other land and operational constraints.

    Q: How do turbines impact farm animals or cropping?
    A: A wind farm’s infrastructure typically utilises only 2-3% of a properties land and thus minimally impacts land available for cropping. Farm machinery can operate around and under turbines without concern.
    Farm animals have shown no signs of being affected by turbines and have been observed using the towers for shade during summer..

Additional FAQs will be added to this page based on local community engagement and feedback


Public project documents and information resources will be made available here as the project progresses

Get in touch

If you’d like more information on this project